Secure your passwords

Hackers are becoming more sophisticated. They have access to more tools than ever before and constantly develop new ones to break into your accounts and steal valuable information. Being aware of this fact and utilizing counter-measures to further protect your information is key.

Consider using the following mini-guide for current best practices on the use of passwords and make it harder for them to hack you!

  • Minimum length should be 12 characters
  • Should contain a combination of the following
  • Uppercase characters such as A,B,C…Z
  • Lowercase characters, such as a,b,c…z
  • Numerical digits, such as 0,1,2…9
  • A special character, such as )!@#$%^&*(
  • Should not be be the same as your current password or previous passwords
  • Should not include any portion of your email address
  • Should not contain any personal information
  • Should not use any dictionary words
  • Should be unique to that particular login point

There are several free and paid password managers that are available to you. Some may provide 2-factor authorizations methods which provide an extra layer of security.

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